Lecithin as a feed additive.
Lecithin (essential phospholipids) is an ecologically pure natural product extracted from phosphatide concentrate of sunflower seeds. As a feed additive, it increases the energy level of the diet of animals, intensifies anabolic processes in the organisms of animals and improves immunobiological activity owing to the consumption of components of lecithin (phosphatidylcholine, unsaturated fatty acids and others).
Phospholipids are necessary components of all, without exception, cells of a living organism; they perform a number of functions, namely:
- serve as a structure depositing metabolic energy (there are no analogues in energy potential);
- are a structural components of membranes, provide their elasticity, prevent formation of free radicals, increasing by this antioxidant defense of animals, and reduce negative influence of stress factors;
- improve the transport capability of cell membranes, i.e., assist in absorption of nutrients of the feed and in growth and development of animals;
- improve calcification of bones, formation of musculoskeletal system and blood formation.
For animals, the most significant are unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, which is not produced in organisms; therefore they have to be supplied with feed. In case of deficiency of this acid, growth gets suspended, resistance to infections and stresses weakens.
Being a part of phospholipids of biological membranes, lecithin provides their elasticity and participates in the exchange of fats between the liver and fatty tissues. Presence of lecithin guarantees permanent outflow of fats from the liver into the blood stream, which prevents development of adipose infiltration of the liver or, in case of its dystrophy, increases its detoxification function.
Thus, lecithin is used for preparation of wholesome, enriched with energy and biologically active substances feeds with hepatoprotective properties for increasing resistance and general detoxification of organisms of animals in stressful situations.
Special tests helped to determine doses of intake of lecithin and compositions of formula feeds for feeding:
- broilers:
- in the starting period;
- in the finishing period;
- pregnant sows;
- pigs on fattening;
- carps, freshwater catfish, besters;
- calves;
- cows in calf;
- fur-producing animals (minks)
- adult dogs and cats.
More details are available here:
- (in Ukrainian) Лецитин як фактор одержання продукції тваринництва. К: Освіта України,2010, с. 114.
- (in Ukrainian) Нові склади комбікормів для сільськогосподарських тварин, птиці та риби. Наукові праці ОНАХТ, випуск 36, т. 1, 2009р., с. 14-17.
- (in Ukrainian) Ефективність застосування лецитину в рибництві. Тваринництво України, № 3, 2010р., с. 24-27.
- (in Ukrainian) Використання лецитину як кормової добавки в раціонах молодняку свиней. Вісник інституту тваринництва центральних районів УААН, вип. 2, Дніпропетровськ, 2007р., с. 117-123.
- Numbers of Ukrainian patents (in Ukrainian):
- № 26705, Бюл. № 16, 10.10.2007г.
- № 32030, Бюл. № 8, 25.04.2008г.
- № 34328, Бюл. № 15, 11.08.2008г.
- № 35928, Бюл. № 19, 10.10.2008г.
- № 56982, Бюл. № 3, 10.02.2011г.
- № 56993, Бюл. № 3, 10.02.2011г.
- № 56994, Бюл. № 3, 10.02.2011г.
- № 71085. Бюл. № 13, 10.07.2012г.